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Legal notices and copyright statement

Comments, questions and content

This website enables registrants to post or transmit comments, 问题和其他内容在网站上,并提供了几个论坛进行讨论.


如果您依赖于参与讨论组或在本网站上发布信息的人员提供的任何建议, you do so at your own risk.

If you post or transmit comments, 网站上的问题或其他内容,或者如果您参加了网站上的讨论组, you grant the Institution a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such comments, questions and other content throughout the world in any media.

您还授予本机构及其次级被许可人使用您随任何评论提交的名称的权利, question or other content, if any, in connection with such comment, question or other content.

Third-party links - IET generated


尽管在链接网站上存在链接或任何提及该机构的内容, the Institution makes no warranty or representation regarding, does not endorse, 不隶属于,并不是以任何方式负责链接的网站或任何内容,出现在它.

If you decide to visit any linked website, 您这样做的风险由您自己承担,您有责任审查使用条款, 隐私政策和相关链接网站的任何其他相关法律声明.

Third-party links - user generated


尽管在链接网站上存在链接或任何提及该机构的内容, the Institution makes no warranty or representation regarding, does not endorse, 不隶属于,并不是以任何方式负责链接的网站或任何内容,出现在它.

If you decide to visit any linked website, 您需要自行承担风险,并且您有责任查看相关链接网站的使用条款.

虽然IET不会审查这些内容,也不会对链接本身或用户提供链接的内容进行任何控制, 然而,学院保留删除任何链接或内容的权利,原因包括, without limitation, 如院校(依其绝对酌情权)认为有关连结或提供连结的内容不适当(包括但不限于任何非法及/或不反映院校价值观的连结或内容).

如果您意识到任何链接或链接网站上的内容,您认为可能是不适当的, please notify the Institution immediately (using the 'Contact us功能),以便院校查阅连结及/或连结网站的内容.

IET copyright

All content included on the IET website, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, 是学院或其内容供应商的财产,受英国和国际版权法保护吗.

The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, IET网站上的所有内容都是学院的专有财产,受英国和国际版权法的保护.


Third-party copyright

如果您认为您的版权被IET网站的内容或IET网站上提供链接的任何网站所侵犯,请立即通知IET(使用“Contact us' function).


The graphics, logos, 网站上使用的服务名称和商标是工程技术学会的财产, 其内容供应商以及在网站上提供的第三方商品和服务的供应商.

不得将商标用于非商标所有人的产品或者服务上。, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits the trademark owner.

Use of site

This site, its content or any portion of this site or its content may not be reproduced, retransmitted, duplicated, copied, distributed, disseminated, sold, resold, 或以其他方式用于工程技术学会未明确允许的任何商业目的.

The Institution and suppliers reserve the right to refuse service, and/or cancel orders in their discretion, including, without limitation, 如果本机构认为用户的行为违反了适用法律或损害了本机构的利益, its affiliates, suppliers or users.


(i) any material that violates or infringes the rights of others, that is unlawful, defamatory, obscene, abusive, profane, vulgar, sexually explicit, racist, threatening, 可恨的或其他令人反感的,或鼓励构成刑事犯罪的行为, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any law,


(iii)未经本机构明确事先书面同意,就产品或服务进行任何广告或其他招揽活动, or

(iv) any information or software that contains a virus, worm, or other harmful or disruptive component.

本机构没有义务允许您发布或传输的任何材料留在网站上, and, the Institution, in its sole discretion, 可以拒绝展示或删除张贴或传输到其网站或通过其网站的任何材料.

Copyright complaints


如果您认为您的作品已被本网站复制或以构成侵犯版权的方式发布, please contact the IET at the address below.

Our address

Savoy Place

T: +44 (0)20 7240 1871